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Pressfotos Chefdirigentin Elisabeth Fuchs
Youtube Channel Elisabeth Fuchs
Instagram Elisabeth Fuchs @elisabethfuchs_dirigentin
Facebook Elisabeth Fuchs elisabeth.fuchs.792
Youtube - Videos Chefdirigentin Elisabeth Fuchs mit Philharmonie Salzburg
Youtube - Elisabeth Fuchs & Stjepan Hauser (2Cellos) & Petrit Ceku with Zagreb Philharmonic
Youtube - Elisabeth Fuchs & Kian Soltani with Zagreb Philharmonic
Youtube Channel Elisabeth Fuchs
Instagram Elisabeth Fuchs @elisabethfuchs_dirigentin
Facebook Elisabeth Fuchs elisabeth.fuchs.792
Youtube - Videos Chefdirigentin Elisabeth Fuchs mit Philharmonie Salzburg
Youtube - Elisabeth Fuchs & Stjepan Hauser (2Cellos) & Petrit Ceku with Zagreb Philharmonic
Youtube - Elisabeth Fuchs & Kian Soltani with Zagreb Philharmonic
Contact for the press
Press reviews
“A bundle of energy on the podium."
“Austrias most outstanding female orchestra conductor."
ORF 2 (TV), Susanne Riegler
"Touching, enthralling, overwhelming!"
Krone OÖ, Balduin Sulzer
“Absolutely infectious!"
DrehPunktKultur, Reinhard Kriechbaum
“..and the driving force on the podium is Elisabeth Fuchs, with her small ensemble of an extraordinarily disciplined and a brilliantly performing Philharmonic, displaying energy and beauty, moving with honesty and emotion, luminosity and precision in the details (Brass!) …this sovereign disposition conveys art as a whole, shows more than just matured ability, it testifies to the belief of the power in art that lives.”
Salzburger Nachrichten, Karl Harb
"The brilliantly worked out score unfurled its own force through the acting role of conductor Elisabeth Fuchs, who meticulously matched the tempo of the pictures with precise detail.”
Salzburger Nachrichten, Karl Harb
"The music is a strong success factor in the second part of this acclaimed performance: Elisabeth Fuchs, the Philharmonic Salzburg and the dazzling young singer's team passionately create density and drama that will bring suspense to your soul. “
Krone Wien
"Thrilling, thrilling, overwhelming! This performance (...) demands such superlatives. The Philharmonic Salzburg under the direction of Elisabeth Fuchs as well as choir and soloists offered (...) a concert of the highest perfection. “
Krone OÖ, Balduin Sulzer
„The musicians of Philharmonie Salzburg played with grace and zest.“
New York Times, Anthony Tommasini
“Austrias most outstanding female orchestra conductor."
ORF 2 (TV), Susanne Riegler
"Touching, enthralling, overwhelming!"
Krone OÖ, Balduin Sulzer
“Absolutely infectious!"
DrehPunktKultur, Reinhard Kriechbaum
“..and the driving force on the podium is Elisabeth Fuchs, with her small ensemble of an extraordinarily disciplined and a brilliantly performing Philharmonic, displaying energy and beauty, moving with honesty and emotion, luminosity and precision in the details (Brass!) …this sovereign disposition conveys art as a whole, shows more than just matured ability, it testifies to the belief of the power in art that lives.”
Salzburger Nachrichten, Karl Harb
"The brilliantly worked out score unfurled its own force through the acting role of conductor Elisabeth Fuchs, who meticulously matched the tempo of the pictures with precise detail.”
Salzburger Nachrichten, Karl Harb
"The music is a strong success factor in the second part of this acclaimed performance: Elisabeth Fuchs, the Philharmonic Salzburg and the dazzling young singer's team passionately create density and drama that will bring suspense to your soul. “
Krone Wien
"Thrilling, thrilling, overwhelming! This performance (...) demands such superlatives. The Philharmonic Salzburg under the direction of Elisabeth Fuchs as well as choir and soloists offered (...) a concert of the highest perfection. “
Krone OÖ, Balduin Sulzer
„The musicians of Philharmonie Salzburg played with grace and zest.“
New York Times, Anthony Tommasini